How Natural Dyes are Better than Synthetic Dyes

Humans have been dyeing since our ancient ancestors first covered themselves in the leaves and animal skins they had lying around them. In those days, all the dye they had was animal guts and dirt. We have thankfully evolved passed such ineffective and limited color options found in those dark days. Ever since humans first looked at their bland and drab strips of cloth, they imagined the possibility of color.

At QQ Studio, adding color to life is our prime directive. With the countless color an

How to Collect and Store Rainwater

How to Collect and Store Rainwater

Americans spend $16 billion per year on bottled water. According to the International Bottled Water Association, the average cost of bottled water is $1.27 per gallon or $1.11 per gallon. Bottled water is around 400 times more costly than tap water. That is a lot of money to spend on something that you can get free. When I say free, I am not referring to the stuff that comes out of your sink. Tap water costs money if you're paying for water, plumbing, rent, a

How to Dehydrate Fruits, Vegetables and Meats for Long Term Storage

While fresh food is the standard for quality, preserved food has its place. When you remove all the moisture from food, you can stretch its shelf life exponentially. Human beings have been drying foods through much of recorded history, with evidence dating back to 12,000 B.C. The reason for this is clear; it lets limited food stocks last longer, and it can even transform the food into something completely new. Sure, everyone loves a juicy steak, but beef jerky is great too. Although dehydration

Most Important Tips for Cold Weather Camping

It may sound crazy, but people enjoy camping in freezing weather. Why? Maybe they enjoy waking up on snow-capped mountains with a steaming cup of coffee. The mug warming their frozen fingers as the steam dances up and floats away. Maybe they cherish the stillness and blanket of white that only can be found in frost blanketed winter forests. On the other hand, they may be masochists and enjoy being cold and wet. In any case, cold weather camping has an appeal for some folk. If you find yourself i

The Truth about Biodegradable Packaging

What You Need to Know about Biodegradable Packaging

Many recent studies have shown that consumers are becoming more and more concerned about the environmental impacts of their purchases. One of the biggest concerns comes from the packaging. Consumers are expressing a desire for product packaging that is more sustainable and environmentally friendly. In response, companies are findings ways to appease these desires by converting to biodegradable packaging. However, how feasible is it to switch t

Labels vs. Custom Printed Packaging, A List of Pros and Cons

Labels vs. Custom Printing, What You Need to Know about Each

The items you sell are only one-half of the total product you are offering. The other half is the packaging that the item goes into. However, you can’t just stick your products into unmarked packaging bags because no one will know what’s stored inside. You need some way to add your brand information and logo to the exterior of the packaging. You have two options: labels or custom printed packaging. How do you know which you should use

From Hobby to Career: An Interview with Big Johnson Jerky

From Hobby to Career: An Interview with Big Johnson Jerky

We recently reached out to one of our most loyal and engaged customers, Bryan Johnson, owner of Big Johnson Jerky, to ask about the growth of his company. We asked him about how he started his business, how he engages with his audience, and how he has gotten where he is today. Read the full interview to discover how his business started, and how you can follow his lead when growing your own company.

What got you interested in the jerky

Paper Straws Suck, and Here’s Why!

It's time we stopped fooling around with the ridiculous “War on Conveniences.” If you mustered up the strength to read this much, then you must have shared the unpleasant, and mildly infuriating, experience of drinking from a paper straw. As much as I agree that helping the environment is a good thing, we have to take a step back and reconsider our game plan, especially when it’s a terrible one. If it pleases you, let’s examine why paper is perhaps the most idiotic replacement for plastic.


Why the Color Black is Always in Style

It is undeniable that black is the most stylish color that we know. But why is this? It could be because black matches well with every other color. Some fashion purists reading might cringe and bring up parings like black and brown or black and navy. But, great outfits are being made that go against this rule. Ultimately, there are no rules when it comes to style or looking good. What can be said with certainty is that black is the most versatile and universal color out there. Black is always in